Musica internazionale
Madison Beer canta gli strascichi di un amore tossico in “Stained glass”, terzo singolo di lancio in attesa del suo album di debutto

Non c’è ancora una data precisa per l’uscita del debut album di Madison Beer, dal titolo “Life Support”: lo scorso tre aprile, intanto, è uscito “Stained glass”, terzo singolo di lancio dopo “Good in goodbye” e “Selfish” pubblicati fra gennaio e febbraio.
Tema della canzone è quello degli strascichi lasciati dalla fine di una relazione con una persona che l’ha fatta soffrire, leit motiv ormai costante di tutti i brani che sin qui ha pubblicato la ventunenne cantante americana scoperta da Justin Bieber quando aveva tredici anni.
Lately I’m counting the minutes that I’ve got left
And lately I’m counting the words that I haven’t said
‘Cause you will never know what I been through
And you should be a little more gentle
But maybe I need to start takin’ my own advice
‘Cause my heart’s so heavy it’s ready to fall out twice
‘Cause you will never know what I been through
So you should be a little more gentle with me
And lately I’m counting the words that I haven’t said
‘Cause you will never know what I been through
And you should be a little more gentle
But maybe I need to start takin’ my own advice
‘Cause my heart’s so heavy it’s ready to fall out twice
‘Cause you will never know what I been through
So you should be a little more gentle with me
My skin is made of glass
But apparently it’s stained
‘Cause you notice all the cracks
But can’t look inside my pain
And if you throw another stone
Then I’d stay far away
Far away
I just might break
But apparently it’s stained
‘Cause you notice all the cracks
But can’t look inside my pain
And if you throw another stone
Then I’d stay far away
Far away
I just might break
My life’s just a faded memory of one I can’t have
And everything ‘round me is starting to fade into black, mm
But black and white is so much better
I’m learning how to hide my colors
You should’ve been a little more gentle with me
And everything ‘round me is starting to fade into black, mm
But black and white is so much better
I’m learning how to hide my colors
You should’ve been a little more gentle with me
My skin is made of glass
But apparently it’s stained
‘Cause you notice all the cracks
But can’t look inside my pain
And if you throw another stone
Then I’d stay far away
Far away
I just might break
I might break
Might break, I
But apparently it’s stained
‘Cause you notice all the cracks
But can’t look inside my pain
And if you throw another stone
Then I’d stay far away
Far away
I just might break
I might break
Might break, I
My skin is made of glass
But apparently it’s stained
‘Cause you notice all the cracks
But can’t look inside my pain
And if you throw another stone
Then I’d stay far away
Far away
But apparently it’s stained
‘Cause you notice all the cracks
But can’t look inside my pain
And if you throw another stone
Then I’d stay far away
Far away
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Crediti Foto: Facebook / Madison Beer